About Us
For more than 130 years, police officers have been protecting Ithaca’s residents, businesses, and visitors, and forming a lasting bond with the community that we’re sworn to protect. The Ithaca Police Benevolent Association was founded in 2006 with the overarching goals of representing the city’s hard-working police officers so they can focus on keeping you safe and continuing to forge the bond our members have with the community.
Our officers work every day to uphold the standard of delivering excellence in public service by participating in constant, intensive training and displaying the highest level of professionalism and ethical behavior with the goal of creating an atmosphere of peace, safety, and security that our great community deserves.
When Ithaca’s officers aren’t on duty, we’re proud to participate in the community through several events and charities throughout the year. We urge anyone who would like to join us in giving back to our great city to participate in our events or donate toward our cause. We’re proud to be such an integral part of the community we’ve taken an oath to protect.
Our association has our members’ backs so they can focus on having yours. We’re humbled by the opportunity to serve you and keep Ithaca safe and thriving for generations to come.

To help us better serve you and this great community we all call home, please feel free to support us by joining our mission through participation in any of our events or by donating towards our cause of keeping Ithaca safe and ensuring a better tomorrow for our community. No amount or gesture goes unnoticed or unappreciated.
Thank you for your ongoing support. The Ithaca Police Benevolent Association is honored and humbled for the opportunity to continue serving you.